
7A Hermes Oxhide Leather Message Bag Dark Coffee H017


Replica Hermes Oxhide Leather Message Bag Dark Coffee H017 Details
:- Adjustable strap you can cross your body
- Silver hardware
- In the front of H buckle
- Interior leather lining and zipper closure pocket
- Color: White

Size: W8.9" x H7.3" x D2" (W22.5 x H18.5 x D5 CM)
The Hermes Oxhide Leather Message Bag Dark Coffee H017 comes with: Hermes dust bag,Hermes card,Hermes care booklet,Hermes tags,not including hermes box.

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  • Model: Hermes-Oxhide-Leather-Message-Bag-Dark-Coffee-H017_30