
Western Union Online

How do I use Western Union to send money online?

Step 1: Click to The Western Union official website: https://www.westernunion.com

Step 2: Input your ZIP Code,choose senting to China,Input the money Amount.
Step 3: Choose the sending options.
Step 4: If you are first time to use the Western Union,please click Register now to get a account.
Step 5: Setup your Western Union account .
Step 6: Input the Receiver information(Our information) first name,last name,phone number.
Step 7:Input the payment information to complete,and you will get an email from western union
8. Tell us the sender's first name, last name and the MTCN(money transfer control number) via zealbagscom@gmail.com . We will ship your item in 24 hours after we check the payment.

Payment And Shipment
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